CLICK HERE to see the entire transmission schedule for WRMI Okeechobee -- all times, frequencies and azimuths (beam directions).
HAZ CLIC AQUI para ver el horario completo de WRMI Okeechobee con todos los horarios, frecuencias y blancos.
If you are anywhere in the world, you can hear WRMI’s signal on your shortwave radio. Please see the links to our frequency and time charts below to find the frequency(ies) that are beamed to your part of the world, and see the program listings below to find the days and times of individual programs. If you don’t have a shortwave radio, you can find receivers of all price ranges -- from less than $10 up to several hundred dollars -- at retail stores (especially electronic stores) in many countries, and from online retailers such as (U.S. and Canada only),,,,, etc.
If you are anywhere in the world you can use remote webSDR shortwave receivers to pick up our shortwave signal. Many of these can be found on the website You can choose a receiver in any of dozens of locations around the world and tune it to one of our frequencies to hear the shortwave transmission via your computer, tablet or smartphone.
If you are anywhere in the world, you can click on the live stream player on the bottom right side of our home page (on this website) to hear our 9955 kHz programming.
If you are anywhere in the world, you can hear WRMI’s 9955 kHz live stream on services such as TuneIn, Streema, Radio.Garden and other similar programs that are accessible on smartphones, tablets and computers. Do a search for “WRMI” when you connect to each of these services.
If you are in the United States, you can listen to some WRMI programs on AudioNow by calling +1-641-741-1762. This is a domestic U.S. phone call.
If you have problems picking us up, please e-mail us for further technical advice at
Si estás en cualquier parte del mundo, puedes oír la señal de WRMI en tu radio de onda corta. Por favor, vea los enlaces a nuestros horarios abajo para encontrar las frecuencias que son dirigidas a tu parte del mundo, y los listados de programas abajo para encontrar los horarios de los programas individuales. Si no tienes un radio de onda corta, puedes encontrar receptores de todos los rangos de precios -- desde menos de $10 hasta varios cientos de dólares -- en tiendas minoristas (especialmente tiendas electrónicas) en muchos países, y de compañías en línea tales como (solo en Estados Unidos y Canadá),,,,, etc.
Si estás en cualquier parte del mundo, puedes usar receptores remotos de ondas cortas webSDR para escuchar nuestra señal de onda corta. Muchos de estos se pueden encontrar en el sitio web Puedes escoger un receptor en cualquiera de las decenas de ubicaciones alrededor del mundo y sintonizar una de nuestras frecuencias para escuchar la transmisión de onda corta a través de su computadora, tableta o teléfono inteligente.
Si estás en cualquier parte del mundo, puedes hacer clic donde dice "Escuchar Audio" o en el tocador de audio en el lado derecho inferior de nuestra pagina principal (de esta pagina web) para escuchar nuestra programacion en 9955 kHz onda corta.
Si estás en cualquier parte del mundo, puedes escuchar la programacion en vivo de nuestra frecuencia de 9955 kHz via servicios como TuneIn, Streema, Radio.Garden y otros programas similares que son accesibles en smartphones, tabletas y computadoras. Haz una búsqueda para “WRMI” cuando conectas a cualquier de estos servicios.
Si estás en los Estados Unidos, puedes escuchar algunos programas de WRMI en AudioNow llamando al + 1-641-741-1762. Esta es una llamada telefónica nacional en los Estados Unidos.
Si tienes problemas para captarnos, por favor envíanos un correo electrónico para obtener más asesoramiento técnico en
Hal Turner Radio Show Live Monday-Friday from 9:00 – 10:00 pm eastern US time (GMT-0400), “The Hal Turner Radio Show” is a brash, dicey foray into political IN-correctness, news and issues of the day. Touting his show as “free speech, no matter who doesn’t like it” Turner “Drives a stake through the heart of political correctness” and “sends the sacred cows of the liberal-left, scurrying for cover.” The show regularly talks about news, but has a very direct focus on social and cultural issues as well. Turner not only rebukes those he calls “social Justice Warriors” he actually goes out of his way to make fun of them and insult them! The unabashed Conservative Republican has a mischievous Libertarian streak, and he lets loose with his views every Wednesday evening. Callers to the show are NOT pre-screened for content. There is no censorship on this show, and the “language of the common man” (i.e. cuss words) is commonplace. The show is not for the faint of heart.
Turner began his show on shortwave in the year 2000. He got shut down by the feds in 2009 after publishing an Editorial they didn’t like on his web site. That Editorial said that three federal judges in Chicago were “Traitors to the Constitution.” He then quoted Thomas Jefferson’s “Tree of Liberty letter” saying “The tree of liberty must be replenished from time to time with the blood of tyrants and patriots” and concluding with his view that the judges “deserve to be killed.” The feds said this was a “threat.” Turner said it was an opinion. Turner was arrested, put on trial THREE times, driven into Bankruptcy from legal fees, and ultimately convicted. He served 33 months in federal prison. Out of prison in 2012, and off supervised release in 2015, Turner immediately returned to the airwaves on WBCQ, and now, his show also airs simultaneously on WRMI 5950. Visit his web site at or email him at
Blues Radio International brings Blues music to the world, with a potential audience of many tens of millions. It is the only weekly international shortwave radio broadcast devoted entirely to Blues music. BRI broadcasts worldwide through Radio Miami International, a privately owned, FCC-licensed international radio station based in Miami, Florida. The show can be heard on shortwave radio every Sunday at 9:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (0200 Monday UTC) on 9955 kHz in the 31 meter shortwave band. BRI also is streamed simultaneously on the Internet at The program features both classic and new Blues music. BRI is a proud supporter of the Blues Foundation.
On the Media
World Radio Network is a program service which incorporates segments from various international broadcasters from around the world. Programming includes news, current affairs, financial and cultural programs, science and music, mailbag and DX segments. Most of the contributing broadcast stations are government-owned or public radio stations.
Radio Eslovaquia Internacional (RSI)
Las emisiones de RSI tratan sobre el acontecer diario en Eslovaquia en toda su riqueza espectral, desde la información económica y actualidad política, hasta temas de educación, ciencia, cultura, arte y deporte. Radio Eslovaquia Internacional, desde que fue creada en 1993, transmite durante los siete días de la semana, en lengua inglesa, francesa, alemana, rusa, espaňola y eslovaca. Radio Eslovaquia Internacional presenta las bellezas naturales de Eslovaquia y sus posibilidades turísticas. Da a conocer la historia, los monumentos, sus personalidades, recupera las costumbres, tradiciones y especialidades de los eslovacos que viven en el país y en el extranjero, y de las minorías nacionales que viven en territorio eslovaco. En su rúbrica musical presenta la creación de compositores e intérpretes eslovacos.
Radio Free América Latina
On Monday, August 31st, a new Radio Show and Podcast called “Truth to Ponder” begins. It all kicks off at 6:00 PM Eastern Time, and is hosted by Bob Biermann, who is also host of “Your Weekend Show.”
We certainly live in a time the likes of which we have never seen before. Today, separating truth from fiction and fake from real is not always easy. From the Pandemic to Politics, to Tech Tyranny and overreaching control, Bob Biermann and a group of talented and experienced individuals will sort through today’s news, and present “Truth to Ponder.”
You can find out more about this new program at
9395 KHz at 6:00 PM Eastern Time
9455 KHz at 10:00 PM Eastern Time
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Additional Airings on a West Beam
5850 KHz 10:00 PM EST Monday & Tuesday
OTH Radio
OTH Radio Powered By Icom, For The Love Of All Things Radio is the worlds ONLY “Classic Hits Music Show From The 1960’s To Today” Transmitted Around The World. It’s a “Top 40 Classic Hits Music Show” that plays great music and the history of these great songs.
We play the Greatest Hits of ALL Time
Starting at 9pm ET on 5.050 KHz til 12am ET then we switch to 9.455 KHz from 12am til 2am ET with:
Jeff Clark – Monday
Dave Mason – Tuesday
Ted Randall – Wednesday
Dan Collins – Thursday
Steve Hunter – Friday
Jeff Laurence – Saturday
Sunday Talk Block
Ria’s Ham Shack with Ria Jairam – N2RJ – Sunday’s 10pm – 11pm EDT on 5.050
QSO Radio Show with Host Ted Randall – WB8PUM – Sunday’s 11pm – 12am EDT on 5.050 then we flip to 9.455 from 12am – 1am
Soldiers of Light Ministry with Pastor Tony Balding – Sunday’s at 9pm EDT on 5.050 and 1am on 9.455
You can hear us anytime on Alexa by saying… “Alexa, Play WRMI Legends”
With each hour-long show, the listener learns a few tidbits about familiar songs, and is gently introduced to music that SHOULD be familiar. In John’s world, The Beatles are still the “toppermost of the poppermost,” but, not far behind the Fab Four are deserving underground rock acts such as Good Question, Fools Face, and a number of other bands that turned in amazing records that were not exactly commercially successful.
Each show begins with a song that, at some point, was perched at number forty on one of the three major American charts, or in England or Australia. As the countdown continues, the musical selections include a song that should have made the Top 20, but did not; a single that charted at #11 in real life; a “should have been” Top 10; a Number 9, number 9, number 9…; something that is “modern and great” and should have reached number 8; a Little Slice of Heaven at Number 7; and the rest of the countdown filled out with bonus hits, a 3 from “Way Downtown,” and a Hall of Perfection Track.
Having designed the program specifically for Shortwave, McMullan draws inspiration from a variety of sources. He composed the opening fanfare and vocal jingles throughout the show by changing the lyrics to the chorus of the Trend classic he wrote in 1982, “Mama Thought You Were a Nice Girl.” The stories are usually trivia for chart nerds, but, with his music days never too far from his mind, McMullan throws in personal memories from time to time. There are AM hits, FM album hits, and jazz & blues selections that are only heard these days on public radio. Give Alt Universe Top 40 a listen, and you will certainly, as he says each week, “Keep on smiling through the static!”
Listen to Alt Universe Top 40 Saturdays at 10:00 pm Eastern Time on 9455 kHz, and Sundays at 9:00 pm Eastern Time on 9395 kHz on WRMI.
Contact the program by e-mail:
The website is:
Supreme Master TV
Constructive programming for a peaceful world. Noteworthy news about global warming, animal rights, peace news, the world around us, nature’s beauty, the cinema scene, healthy living, science and spirituality, uplighting literature, be vegan and green, secrets of the universe, lectures by Supreme Master Ching Hai and much more. Supreme Master TV can be heard on WRMI daily from 1100-1400 UTC on 7570 kHz, 1400-2000 UTC on 15770 kHz, 2000-2100 UTC on 5950 kHz and 2100-0000 UTC on 4980 kHz. Please send program comments to Reception reports may be sent to WRMI at
Your Weekend Show is hosted by veteran broadcaster Bob Biermann. Bob has been in radio since 1971, and his career has spanned every aspect of the industry from On-Air, Engineering and even station ownership. Bob brings a unique perspective to his worldwide audience and shares from his own personal life experience in helping others on this life's journey. Besides being a longtime broadcaster, Bob is a Bishop in the Reformed Anglican Church.
You can visit the show's website at
You can email Bob at
The show maintains a Facebook page that you can access here.
Information, interviews, music, DX news, letters from listeners and travel features. Program has both English and Spanish editions. Producer: Jeff White. Assistant Producer: Thaís White.
The Bible News Prophecy program broadcasts news and information in the light of the Bible and its prophecies. This includes proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ and the gospel of the coming Kingdom of God to the world as a witness (Matthew 24:14), teaching all things that Jesus commanded (Matthew 28:19-20), providing prophetic warnings of God’s impending judgments, contending for the faith once for all delivered to the saints (Jude 3), assisting in the calling of the full number of those to be reached before Jesus returns (Romans 11:25-26), explaining mysteries of God's merciful (James 2:13) and loving plan (e.g. Romans 16:25-27), helping people better understand the Bible (Acts 8:30-31, Romans 10:14-15), explaining God’s loving plan of salvation (Psalm 68:30, John 3:16-17, Luke 3:6, Romans 11), encouraging people to live the way of Philadelphian (Hebrews 13:1) and agape love (1 Corinthians 13), and calling for personal (Acts 2:38) and national repentance (2 Chronicles 7:13-15).
The Bible News Prophecy program teaches the fact of God's existence, the fact of Jesus being Savior, and the certainty of biblical truths. The program discusses what the future holds for humanity in the light of Bible prophecy. The Bible News Prophecy program analyzes news and world events by the light of the word of God and also explains matters that will happen in the future, based on Bible prophecy.
The Bible News Prophecy program is sponsored by the Continuing Church of God. We trace our unbroken history to the start of the New Testament church in the Book of Acts. We are a pacifist church that teaches original Christianity as taught and practiced by Jesus Christ, the original Apostles, their early faithful followers, and others faithful to original Christianity throughout history. We have supporters and congregations around the world. We have literature online in over 500 languages at
Our primary English speaking radio presenters for the Bible News Prophecy program on Radio Miami International (WRMI) as well as on European Gospel Radio and numerous AM/FM stations in the USA are Steve Dupuie and Dr. Bob Thiel as well as James Martenet. The Bible News Prophecy program is also available online at
We also have native language broadcasters in Kenya, Ghana, and the Philippines on stations in those lands. More on our global outreach and various forms of media can be found at
Bible News Prophecy is heard on WRMI on 5850 kHz at 0130 UTC Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.
The Henry Norman Show
Every Saturday, Henry Norman presents his
30-minute music show with his mix of oldies,
newer songs and country music.
There is also information about the artists.
The program starts at 6:30 PM Eastern Time
in North America (currently (22:30 UTC) on
9955 kJHz.
EQSL's are available at
Missed the program?
Always listen shortly after broadcast at
CQ Calling
Interesting Space News, Interesting news articles, Chief's Corner (Recipe) and much more.
Text UFO Joe @ 1-928-245-3774
Send QSL listener reports to:
You’ll never know what he will talk about nightly!!
Listen to UFO Joe’s opinions!
Agree or disagree that’s up to you!!
Join UFO Joe, week nights LIVE, where relaxing/smiles happen, reducing stress is THE Shows aim. kick back, enjoy the show!!
Live Broadcast Schedule:
M-F 8:30 pm to 9 pm E.T.
Call to listen 1-667-930-9084
Broadcasting LIVE On:
WRMI 5.950 MHZ and streaming live from our website:
Dialogando en el Camino
“Dialogando en el Camino” es un programa Radial de orientación espiritual que busca enriquecer la fe de nuestra audiencia por medio de un encuentro entre Biblia y Realidad. Es un esfuerzo de poner la inteligencia de la Fe al servicio de la comunidad, mediante contenidos de reflexión y acción.
“Dialogando en el Camino” es la Fe promoviendo y generando entendimiento y eficacia en la vida del creyente, libre de compromisos denominacionales, lo que garantiza la imparcialidad y objetividad de sus contenidos.
Este programa llega a ti bajo la dirección del Rev. Dr. Héctor Cornejo y del Rev. Dr. Gustavo Astudillo cada domingo a las 9:30 pm Hora del Este, desde esta, tu emisora “Radio Miami Internacional” en la frecuencia de 9955 kHz y también por vía de la internet:
¡Todos son Bienvenidos!
The Cult of Show
La Nueva Vida Ahora
Hola estimados hermanos y hermanas que escuchan el programa cristiano La Nueva Vida Ahora que es transmitida a través de la emisora Radio Miami Internacional.
Mi nombre es Isabel Dawson y soy una veterana de la onda corta, donde he transmitido por más de 33 años. Estoy muy contenta de ser parte de la familia radial de Radio Miami Internacional.
El programa de La Nueva Vida Ahora tiene como objetivo afirmar que la Palabra de Dios es viva y eficaz. Hebreos 4:12 y que a través del sacrificio del Hijo de Dios, Jesuscristo y por el sacrificio que hizo por todos nosotros podemos tener vida eterna. Juan 3:16. A través del estudio de la Palabra de Dios podemos experimentar una vida nueva “ahora”. Juan 10:10 y 2 Corintios 5:17.
Por favor escúcheme a través de Radio Miami Internacional y escríbale a la estación para poder saber que me escuchan. Mis horarios son los siguientes: La frecuencia el Sábado por las noches a las 9:15 pm.hora de Miami es: 9955 kHz. Y la frecuencia el Domingo por las noches a las 8:30 pm.hora de Miami es: 5010 kHz. También puede escuchar el programa transmitido en vivo en Internet a Tiene que hacer clic en “Listen Live” o “Escuchar Audio.” También puede escuchar el programa en servicios de radio por Internet como y busque (or search for) “WRMI”.
También me pueden escribir a través del correo electrónico de WRMI:
Muchas gracias y bendiciones en Él, Su hermana en Cristo, Isabel Dawson
Back by popular demand, starting Thursday, August 17th 2023 at 8:00 PM Eastern Time (North America) and every third Thursday of the month thereafter, Canadian Content Radio returns to the shortwave airwaves via WRMI, Radio Miami International on 9395 khz in the 31 meter band.
The one hour, monthly program was first aired as part of the Radio Angela experiment on WBCQ in 2022 and gained a world wide following as one of RA's more popular programs. During its hiatus, Canadian Content Radio host and producer Sean Welsh, has been retooling to the program to offer a more eclectic mix of Canadian music, songs with a Canadian connection, commentary, insights, and an expansion of the "WILT" feature (What I'm Listening To) featuring different styles of music from around the world.
Your requests, comments and all feedback are always welcomed via email at
Teachers Corner - Innovations in Industry is on the air at 1000-1100 UTC Monday and Wednesday on 5850 kHz.
School of the Spirit is the media ministry of Renaissance Christian Fellowship, a spirit-filled church in the Flowery Branch, Georgia region, led by Pastor Phillip Nelms. Please visit for further information. Pastor Nelms believes that the gospel message must be preached to all the world as a witness of Jesus Christ in accordance with the great commission to His church:
And as ye go, preach, saying, “The kingdom of heaven is at hand! Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.”
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
Pastor Nelms teaches that the gospel of the Kingdom is the same gospel that was both preached and demonstrated by Jesus during His earthly ministry, which was marked by power over the enemy, power over sickness and disease, power to bind up and heal the wounded souls of men and women, and power to bring new life and prosperity to the poor. Since Jesus said that these signs are to follow those who believe, Pastor Nelms teaches and instructs from the Word of God how to walk out this gospel message as a living witness in everyday life.
Pastor Nelms has been following the clear call of God upon his life to preach the gospel of the Kingdom since 2002, having served in multiple ministry positions in churches since that time, including as Senior Pastor of three separate congregations. Pastor Nelms presently resides in Flowery Branch, Georgia USA, where he and his beautiful wife Lynn have raised three amazing children who are now grown and serving the Lord, and recently welcomed their first grandchild.
Renaissance School of the Spirit is dependent upon the generous financial support of our partners. If you are blessed by these teachings, please consider sowing a financial seed using the PayPal link below, or by reaching out to us at for additional information on other ways to support this work. We pray that God increase you and make you abound in every good work in accordance with 2 Corinthians 9:8:
“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you should always have all sufficiency in all things, and may abound to every good work.”
Phillip and Lynn Nelms, Renaissance School of the Spirit
Host John Read
God's Mighty Word
Welcome to God's Mighty Word Radio Broadcast! Our purpose is to teach Believers how to enter the presence of God and to grow in your relationship with Him. Imagine a Christian life, where it seems like the things of God come alive fresh every day. Wherever you go, you sense that He is there with you. There is an ever present fountain of joy that seems to just bubble up from inside you. There is a deep peace that guards your heart day and night.
It is almost unexplainable, but you just know that God is real, that you are investing your life in something eternal. It is almost like the sky looks bluer, the grass looks greener and that serving God is the most exciting thing in your life.
This is the purpose of God's Mighty Word, to teach you the Bible keys as to how God will become more real to you and how His promises can come to pass in your life. You can visit us on-line at and you can download or listen online to many teachings that will help you experience God becoming more real in your life each day. Or check out our Help for Today Blog which has very practical ways the Holy Spirit will help you grow in your Christian Walk.
Bienvenidos a “Frecuencia Al Día", programa semanal producido por Dino Bloise desde la bella ciudad de Miami en los Estados Unidos. Frecuencia Al Día es un espacio informativo sobre temas del mundo de los medios de comunicación, Internet, Radioafición y el maravilloso mundo de las ondas cortas.
Nuestros corresponsales son: Gustavo Luna y Eusebio Sánchez desde EE.UU, Luís Valderas, Francisco Oviedo y Daniel Silva desde Chile, Rubén G. Margenet y Víctor H. González desde Argentina, José Bueno, Alonso Mostazo, Francisco Páez, Pedro Sedano & Martín Estévez (AER) desde España, Miguel A. Reyes & Luís G. Loyola desde México, Ruben W. Suárez desde Uruguay, Yimber Gaviria desde Colombia y Carlos Benoit desde República Dominicana.
Productor: Dino Bloise
Star Trek "Journey to the History of Music"
Since 1999, born from the concept of Andrea Mangiarotti, the title is inspired by the Classical Series of Telefilm, the difference that we will make a Journey into Music History and the Italian Movie History.. news..ecc. ( Talk & Music in Italian language )
Reference Site Show :
Reference Site DJ :
WRMI airtime: 2145-2200 UTC Saturday on 15770 kHz
Carl O’Beirn
A Bible based Ministry
Program schedule:
Thurs- 2000 UTC on 15770 kHz
Fri- 2100 UTC on 7780 kHz
Sat- 2100 UTC on 7780 kHz
Sun- 2000 UTC on 9455 kHz
Note: All times are UTC/GMT
The word of God gives us the true viewpoint on whom we need to rest. Isaiah 9:6 leads us on the path to know who He is. His government is pure and can be trusted. The Mighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace is the answer for this generation that needs to escape the path of destruction and lies that has brought us to this confusing day.
Isa 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
Isa 9:7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
My name is Bruce Killingbeck from the Church of Antioch in Reed City, Michigan. Come join us Saturday at 9 PM EST on 9395 kHz to hear from the Bible the turning point for all mankind, Jesus, Yehoshua the Messiah.
Cruisin' the Decades
Pop Shop Radio
At Pop Shop Radio we go around the world to bring you great stuff from all over. We play a whole variety of pop music, such as records from the 1960s and 1970s that were played on Top-40 radio stations not only in North America but also on offshore radio and stations like Radio Luxembourg. To make it fun, we also include stuff that didn't make the Top 10. Sometimes we even dip back to the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s! We also like to show that music doesn't have to be in English to be great. Stopping off in places like Sweden, Finland, the Czech and Slovak Republics, Germany, France, Brazil, Spain, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand we find cool records for you to groove to! We mix it all in the style of Top-40 radio of the 1960s and 1970s with jingles and real records and real DJ patter. We are everything that the boring FM corporate stations that have no personality and say they play the best variety are not. Last, but not least, Pop Shop Radio is made in the town of Hope in (super, natural) British Columbia in Canada. We are Canada's international voice to the world.
Pop Shop Radio -- from Canada-- Yesterday's hits and misses -- today! Sunday at 9:00 pm Eastern Time (0100 UTC Monday) on 5950 kHz. The show's website is:
Tune in to Radio Carpathia on Sundays at 10pm Eastern (0200 UTC Monday) for a great selection of music from Eastern Europe, ranging from the classic oldies to the latest hits from five countries. Your comments and reception reports are welcome to radiocarpathia[at], and you can visit our website for more information about our programs.